
Friday, 14 October 2016

Sleep Sleuths

Ugh! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED!!! As I closed my eyes thinking I could get to sleep the curtains rose and vibrated as if there were an earthquake! I turned to my side but all of a sudden the window opened…I slowly turned around and no one was at the window. Closing my eyes, I heard two little voices. The devil whispered in one ear STAY AWAKE, STAY AWAKE. The angel was trying to sing over in the other ear GO TO SLEEP GO TO SLEEP. But somehow the angel was slightly louder and it got me to sleep! They appeared out of nowhere.

We are learning to write an information report. We are learning to put our writing into paragraphs and understand how to use all the tools, shapes and texts. Here is my report.

If you go overseas you would have to adjust the time to sleep because you have a “clock” inside your body. After you are in a country for a while you get used to the times to wake up and go to sleep. That is why you have to adjust the times to go to sleep and wake up.

We yawn because it's our body's way of getting oxygen. Sometimes you yawn when you are tired or stressed. For instance when I yawn I have little tears coming out of my eyes.

Before you go to bed you should turn your phone or electronic device off because when you're looking at a screen it makes your brain work fast. So when you go to sleep your body doesn't shut down as fast.

If it’s hard to get to sleep there are things you can do. Do something relaxing before going to bed like reading a book or having a hot shower or even something so your body shuts down correctly. Go to bed at a similar time each night so you can get used to the times. Did you know that you have dreams every night but you may not remember them.

I think sleep is important because when you wake up in the morning you will not be in a bad mood. Or if it is a school night sleep is important because you brain will be ready to learn in the morning.