
Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Make a flake

Operation snowman
Today I have been working on a snow flake because the Choirs away so we are having a bit of a play. Having  a play doesn't mean we are not working it means that we are having fun with our work.
There was 7 activity to choose out of, Make a pictureCreate your own snow flakeMake a flakeTime gameOperation snowmanMerry Christmas fun and Decimal Game. I chose Make a flake because you can make different shapes and you can also try again if need be.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Sleep Sleuths

Ugh! I DON'T WANT TO GO TO BED!!! As I closed my eyes thinking I could get to sleep the curtains rose and vibrated as if there were an earthquake! I turned to my side but all of a sudden the window opened…I slowly turned around and no one was at the window. Closing my eyes, I heard two little voices. The devil whispered in one ear STAY AWAKE, STAY AWAKE. The angel was trying to sing over in the other ear GO TO SLEEP GO TO SLEEP. But somehow the angel was slightly louder and it got me to sleep! They appeared out of nowhere.

We are learning to write an information report. We are learning to put our writing into paragraphs and understand how to use all the tools, shapes and texts. Here is my report.

If you go overseas you would have to adjust the time to sleep because you have a “clock” inside your body. After you are in a country for a while you get used to the times to wake up and go to sleep. That is why you have to adjust the times to go to sleep and wake up.

We yawn because it's our body's way of getting oxygen. Sometimes you yawn when you are tired or stressed. For instance when I yawn I have little tears coming out of my eyes.

Before you go to bed you should turn your phone or electronic device off because when you're looking at a screen it makes your brain work fast. So when you go to sleep your body doesn't shut down as fast.

If it’s hard to get to sleep there are things you can do. Do something relaxing before going to bed like reading a book or having a hot shower or even something so your body shuts down correctly. Go to bed at a similar time each night so you can get used to the times. Did you know that you have dreams every night but you may not remember them.

I think sleep is important because when you wake up in the morning you will not be in a bad mood. Or if it is a school night sleep is important because you brain will be ready to learn in the morning.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Calendar art

Super man clash of clans! For the last few days I have been working on me calendar art. We do calendar art so if you would like a calendar there is no need to pay. And also for kid to give to close ones.  I have decided to do a statue sort of art because it gives me a little challenge. I like my work because it has a lot of colour.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Chuck the chicken

This is my recount if there is something I need to change please give me some feed back.

Chuck the chicken

Is it a chicken or not! I had to watch carefully so I could see. The kids were playing chuck the chicken but …  the chicken was not a chicken it was a… cow. OMG I couldn't believe that the chicken was a cow and the cow made the noise of a pig.

The rules are you are sorted into two groups one of the groups sit in a circle well the other group is fluttered everywhere. And you have to keep chucking  the chicken or should i say cow around in a circle until Nathan yells  chuck the chicken. So the person that is left with the chicken in their hands has to through it to the other group or to have a joke around you could try to throw it out the window. After you have threw it you have to run around the circle like duck duck goose then sit in your spot until the other group gets into a straight line and gets the cow back into their spot.

I Wish i was there to experience the game because it looked really Fun, Funny and Interesting. But i still got to watched what it was like to know the the crazy experience. I enjoyed the video because it keeped me entertained the whole time. I felt happy when i watched it because everybody was having a good time and laughing away at each other.

We are lucky it wasn't a real chicken that Katie pulled out of her freezer! If it was a real one i don’t think anyone would of played the game because it would of been funny but sticky and unpleasant. I am happy everyone had a good time. It just put a smile on my face.  I wish i were there. I absolutely loved it.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Lets make some money

Image result for buskingIf i could help raise some money for Paralympics one of my ideas to raise money would be to go busking because you can make money and have fun at the same time. I have been busking once before but i only got 13 dollars 20.

Image result for lemonade standMy Second idea would probably be a... Lemonade stand because everyone likes cold lemonade right. For insistence i don't like lemonade i love it because the texture and how it pops in your mouth like bubble rap.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Who to choose

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Paraclycing team (NZ).jpgIf i were asked to compete in a tandem cycling event and you had to choose one person to compete with...I would choose my dad because i inspired me to do this and he helped me get stronger in my leg's. I would be really supportive and encouraging.

Monday, 29 August 2016

when all of a sudden…

Imagine that you are sitting in the crowd at the opening ceremonies for the Rio Olympics this August. The ceremony has just started and all of the Olympic athletes are parading around the stadium in their uniforms when all of a sudden…there was a big puddle they couldn't get around it or over so they had to walk threw it. By the time they had walked threw it there uniform were ruined. There was only 1 and a half hours till they were going to perform. so they had to get creative they were going to make a new uniform. 1 HOUR LATER. They only had half an Hour left so they put a smile on there face and had a wee laugh from walking threw the puddle. They talked about what they could do if they get in that situation again. they were talking for so long that half an hour went by. Time went as fast as the wind. They had the time of there life's. All of them wanted to do it again.

Who is going to be my host?

Image result for lordeIf i were the host of Olympics and i could invite a guest it would be Lorde because she is the youngest singer in NZ and she is a good role model. I think she would give a great speech because she will keep her head up and be proud of her self. Lorde inspires lot of people like sick children and other super stars. Lorde i awesome. 

picking the best uniform

 C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\2008 Beijing Olympics uniform.jpg

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Athens Olympics uniform (2004).jpg1st place. My choice of  uniform would be the black and white ferns because i'm not a girly girl i am a tom boy so it's not to pink or blue its in the middle.  I would give this uniform a rating of 8 and a half. The only part i do not like about this is the foot wear they are wearing

2nd place. i think this would come 2nd because its represents NZ by having the silver fern but sadly it looks like a dead weed. But the girl in the centre looks pretty sharp in other words very smart. so i give this a rating of 6.  

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\2012 NZ Uniform.jpg3rd place. i think this uniform would come 3rd because they wear the same jacket but they wear different clothes and different colors. That's why i give this uniform a rating of 3 because it was all over the place

Monday, 15 August 2016

Who inspires me and why?

My mum inspires me because she taught me how to talk and walk. I think she is a good example because she does not swear or smoke. And even after school she sometimes helps me finish my work that i have not finished. I love her so much

interviewing Marjorie Gestring

If i had a chance to interview her i would ask her... 

  • How long do you train for?
  • Why did you choose this sport?
  • Did anyone inspire you to do this?
  • Have you always wanted to do this?
  • Do you feel nerves before your competitions? 

Eddie the Eagle

Eddie the Eagle is a kid that wants to be in the Olympics but... his parent say he is not Olympic material.  Eddie wanted to compete for skiing so he competed in winter Olympics.   
                                    CLICK HERE

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

My day at the Olympics

                                                               Activity 1

I think the video was about competing in Rio Olympics 2016. With 2 mascots named Tom and Vinicius. But they did not know each other yet. They try to catch these orb things but they had to go on a we adventure. At the end they meet and their orb collide together.

Monday, 8 August 2016

My ancient Olympics

                                                                        Activity 1
If i was in the Olympics back in 776 BC i would compete in... Wrestling which is were you fight but you learn special moves so you can take down your opponent. I chose this event because it is easy to learn and i have all ways wanted to do it.

C:\Users\rwil313\Desktop\Wrestling image.jpg

Seini's Red kangaroos

Friday, 5 August 2016

Goal settings

Goals are important because… if you achieve them you will feel good about yourself.


Social Goal
Being able to make more than one best friend.
Learning Goal
My learning goal is to write to pages of writing in the time we have.
Sport Goal
To be able to run without getting my asma.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Harry Hurricane

Harry hurricane

hi i am harry hurricane and i am so quiet in the inside but loud on the outside.I have got one eye that i cannot see through.

I  form from celsius water and warm wind. I can move faster than a cheater.

when i start spinning i start slow then start to get a lot faster. Sometimes i tend to get in the biggest tantrums.

It takes about a day or two for me two pass. As i start to pass i get slower and lower.

At the time i started to pass i  wondered if i would be back again?

Friday, 15 April 2016

Life in the trenches

As lice was creeping through the Soldier's hair they itch and itch until they bleed. Soldiers get lice from frosty trenches. I wonder how much lice was around?

Fat Rats eating the whale oil because they don’t have anything to eat apart from bright sticky cold red flesh. How would anyone know if they ate all the stinky cold dead bodies?

Carcasses are
lousy are the decomposing. because there is cartridges shooting. They’re getting killed as fast as a whip and just left there because no one wants to touch their evil-looking dead bodies. I wonder if they were left there long enough that they turn to bones?

Sand bags spilling because the ugly  enemy are shooting through the useless  sandbags and the people behind the sandbags are getting exterminated. I wonder if they died from looking at the enemies face.

Be There

                                                                We have finishing our be there posters so we can post them
                                                                  our blogs. For our be there posters we had to draw pictures
                                                                to do with be there like giving someone a helping hand.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Apr 12, 2016 2:11:10 PM.jpg                                        

               Sunset pastel art

Today we have been  finishing our Sunset  pastel art so we can post them on our blogs. I have learnt from this activate  is don't use pastel like a crayon.

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Maths is fun

We have been learning about a site were you play games to get your brain ready to learn.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Safe passwords

We have been learning about safe passwords.
I learnt that If you hold the Chrome book by the screen it can kill it.
                 I enjoyed Mr Maddren's lessons because he makes sure we play with our work.